Designing A Policy Package for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Cement Industry

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Industrial Engineering, Payam Nour University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty Member, Industrial Engineeting Department, Payam Nour University, Tehran, Iran



Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about a new revolution in the world, leading to a new wave of global and national policies. This technology is increasingly being recognized as a key driver of industrial transformation worldwide. However, the adoption of AI in industry is often challenging. An AI policy package can serve as a tool to overcome these challenges and guide its implementation in the industry.The aim of developing an AI policy package for the cement industry is to provide policy recommendations that establish a clear vision for the future of this technology in the sector and direct efforts towards its responsible development and utilization. The cement industry is one of the core industries globally and in Iran, and AI holds significant potential for improving productivity in this sector. This study employs library and qualitative research methods, along with expert interviews from both the cement industry and the AI domain in Iran. Using thematic analysis, a policy package for the implementation of AI in the cement industry is proposed. This policy package must be regularly reviewed and updated to align with AI technological advancements. The research findings present the AI policy package based on an analysis of the internal and external environment and strategic goals for AI adoption in core industries


Main Subjects

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