How to refer in the articleArticle

How to cite

Articles with one author:

Fukugawa, N. (2022). Effects of the quality of science on the initial public offering of university spinoffs: evidence from Japan. Scientometrics, 127(8), 4439-4455.

Articles with two authors:

Haunschild, R., & Bornmann, L. (2022). Relevance of document types in the scores' calculation of a specific field-normalized indicator: Are the scores strongly dependent on or nearly independent of the document type handling? Scientometrics, 127(8), 4419-4438.

Articles with three authors:

Vakkari, P., Chang, Y. W., & Järvelin, K. (2022). Largest contribution to LIS by external disciplines as measured by the characteristics of research articles. Scientometrics, 127(8), 4499-4522.

Articles with more than three authors:

Wheeler, J., Pham, N. M., Arlitsch, K., & Shanks, J. D. (2022). Impact factions: assessing the citation impact of different types of open access repositories. Scientometrics, 127(8), 4977-5003.

The unique identifier (DOR or DOI) should be presented at the end of each reference, as described below.

Rajabzadeh, M., Elahi, S., Hasanzadeh, A., & Mehraeen, M. (2022). Internet of Things in Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Review Using the Paradigm Funnel Approach. Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 37(1), 59-82. doi:10.52547/jipm.37.1.59

Akbari, A. (2022). Exploring the factors of the organizational structure of knowledge management in the libraries of medical universities. Health Information Management Journal, 18 (6), 286-290. [In Persian]

Note: As Persian references are translated into English, add [In Persian] at the end of the references.