Legal Analysis of Algorithmic Deception in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Solutions

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Private Law, The Research Group of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Institute for Islamic Studies in Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran



The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the modern era has created emerging legal issues and challenges. Among the most important of these challenges is the issue of AI deception, and consequently, the production and dissemination of misinformation.This phenomenon is not only a side effect of technological evolution but also indicates a fundamental shift in the dynamics of information dissemination and trust in society. Therefore, addressing this issue is essential because intelligent deception can pose a serious threat to national security, social stability, and civil rights. In light of this necessity, the present study, using a descriptive-analytical approach and comparative study, examines the dimensions of deception in AI. This research, while identifying existing legal challenges, also analyzes appropriate solutions to address this phenomenon. In this regard, the study begins by entering the theoretical foundations and explaining the nature of deception in AI, across four main areas.Then, the mechanism of algorithmic misinformation is structurally analyzed. The next step addresses the legal challenges in dealing with intelligent deception, and finally, legal solutions are presented to counter it. The results of this study reveal that legal systems, especially those with weaker legal infrastructures, face serious challenges and shortcomings in dealing with the emerging complexities of algorithmic deception. These shortcomings mainly stem from the inadequate adaptability of existing laws to rapid technological developments. In such circumstances,effectively addressing the challenges of AI deception requires intelligent utilization of existing legal capacities and a dynamic interpretation of general laws that can be extended. Furthermore, the need to design an innovative and flexible regulatory system, along with the creation of legal frameworks commensurate with the dynamic nature of new technologies, is increasingly felt. This approach can, while addressing immediate needs, provide the necessary platform for the gradual evolution of the Iranian legal system in this area.


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