Artificial Intelligence in Iran's Petrochemical Industry: Challenges and Solutions

Document Type : Policy Note


1 Electronics Research Institute, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Electrical Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology

3 Sharif ISDS Center, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.



The Iranian petrochemical industry, as a cornerstone of the national economy, plays a critical role in revenue generation and energy security. However, it faces significant challenges, including global oil and gas price fluctuations, international sanctions, rising production costs, aging infrastructure, and an urgent need to enhance productivity and operational efficiency. Artificial intelligence (AI), as a transformative technology, offers immense potential to address these challenges. Through big data analysis, precise forecasting, process optimization, and automation of operations, AI can significantly improve decision-making, reduce costs, and increase efficiency in the petrochemical sector. Despite its potential, the implementation of AI in Iran's petrochemical industry encounters multiple barriers, such as technical limitations, a shortage of skilled professionals, inadequate infrastructure, and resistance to organizational change. This paper investigates Iran's position within the AI maturity hierarchy in the petrochemical sector, categorizing development into four levels: real-time monitoring, event prediction, outcome simulation, and full process automation. The findings reveal that Iran primarily operates at the early stages of AI maturity. Advancing to higher levels requires substantial investments in domestic technologies, infrastructure development, workforce training, and the establishment of comprehensive legal and ethical frameworks. This study concludes by offering actionable recommendations for policymakers and industry leaders to facilitate AI adoption and fully harness its opportunities, enabling the Iranian petrochemical industry to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic global market.


Main Subjects

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