The Functions of Innovation Intermediaries in the Process of Inter-firm Technological Collaborations

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor, Innovation Policy and foresight, Technology Studies Institute, Tehran. Iran

2 Researcher, Innovation Policy and foresight, Technology Studies Institute, Tehran, Iran


Inter-firm technological collaborations, particularly between large industrial enterprises and small technology firms, are essential for fostering innovation and achieving a knowledge-based economy. However, such collaborations often encounter challenges that necessitate the involvement of innovation intermediaries. Given the significant role of exchange intermediaries in the innovation system, identifying their expected functions for enhancing technological collaborations, especially considering contextual characteristics (such as the conditions of developing countries like Iran), will be beneficial. This study aims to extract and categorize the functions of innovation intermediaries specifically focused on inter-firm technological collaborations. The research adopts a qualitative approach, conducting interviews with 29 experts and practitioners in the field of innovation intermediation in the country. The interview transcripts were analyzed and coded using thematic analysis, ultimately resulting in a set of functions for innovation intermediaries. The identified functions were categorized into eight main groups based on various aspects of the inter-firm technological collaboration process: "demand stimulation", "need identification and demand articulation", "assessing the reality and importance of the client's need", "designing and managing large and complex projects", "selecting appropriate technology and partners", "managing collaboration and interactions between parties", "technology performance validation" and "market development assistance." This study highlights functions that have received less attention in previous research, particularly those under the categories of "assessing the reality and importance of the client's need" and "designing and managing large and complex projects."


Main Subjects

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