Where Have the World's Most Important Creative Ecosystems Emerged

Document Type : Review Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Technology Management, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Technology Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran. Iran


Today's transformations govern global governance and are incomparable to the past, suggesting that the world is grappling with a civilizational change. In the current era, the importance of systemic interactions among agents and actors has become evident with the increasing dynamism of innovation. The concept of creative ecosystems represents the organized complexity of creative agents' interactions, indicating that the era of creative ecosystems encompasses a civilizational shift. This paper is derived from the fifth chapter of the book "Innovation Ecosystems, the Future of Civilization, and the Civilization of the Future[1]" where the author illustrates the nature of the future civilization and how it is realized within creative ecosystems, based on the findings from a purposeful and exploratory journey to 11 countries over five years. Consequently, 17 creative ecosystems in cities like San Francisco, New York, London, Beijing, Boston, Berlin, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Seattle, Paris, Singapore, Tokyo, Stockholm, Munich, Copenhagen, Taipei, and Geneva are examined. Close observations reveal that universities, companies, and governments are the fundamental elements of all creative ecosystems, and their collaborative role in creating and sustaining these ecosystems is undeniable. Moreover, key sectors of each city attract innovative companies, and the largest company in a region says much about the nature of its ecosystem. Therefore, by studying the fundamental elements of these 17 ecosystems, while highlighting the prominent features of each, the main success factors and key sectors of each city are presented.


Main Subjects

Saloff-Coste, M. (2022). Innovation Ecosystems: The Future of Civilizations and the Civilization of the Future. Wiley.
Saloff-Coste, M. (2022). Innovation Ecosystems: The Future of Civilizations and the Civilization of the Future. Wiley.
Saloff-Coste, M. (2022). Innovation Ecosystems: The Future of Civilizations and the Civilization of the Future. Wiley.