Transition to the New Generation of Government Research Organizations; Functions and Policies.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor at Department of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran (College of Farabi)

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran,

3 Assistant Professor, Institute For Trade Studies and Research, Tehran, Iran


Government research institutes, as one of the main actors of the innovation system, are not only responsible for the realization of some of the main functions of this system, such as carrying out research and development activities, but they also contribute to the development of innovation driving engines through direct and indirect cooperation with other actors. However, clarifying the role and function of government research institutes in the transition to a knowledge-based economy has received less attention and related policies have not been sufficiently discussed. Therefore, in the current research, using the qualitative research approach and the methods of forming a focus group and thematic analysis, the functions of government research institutes and the policies that facilitate their role in the realization of the knowledge-based economy have been examined. The findings of this research indicate that playing roles such as a host to specialized innovation centers and accelerators; Strategic and problem-oriented research management platform; Standard reference and regulatory support of the economic sectors; Specialized service center for companies active in the economic sector; Center for cooperation, transfer, dissemination and promotion of technology in the economic sector; and the think tank of technological and political intelligence, are the most important functions of government research institutes in line with the transition to a knowledge-based economy. In addition, to create a suitable environment for the role of government research institutes in the realization of the knowledge-based economy, policies dedicated to governance and division of tasks; strengthening the supply side; strengthening the demand side; Strengthening the linkage between supply and demand and developing and providing infrastructure are needed, which have been identified in this research.


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