A Framework for Effective Factors of Designing Public Procurement Policy for Innovation and Technology Development in IRAN

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Technology Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran



Using public procurement policy to stimulate innovation is considered an important tool especially in the context of demand-side innovation policies. Public sector can overcome system failures using it’s purchasing power to enlarge market size for certain goods and services. There are just a few cases of using this approach in Iran and no certain policy measures have been designed and implemented. The research objective is to identify the effective factors of designing public procurement of innovation (PPI) policy in Iran.
Based on the literature review, 6 dimensions and 23 factors of policy design were identified as the preliminary theoretical pattern. Also four sectors (Oil, Power, Health and Roads) were investigated in the research base on theoretical pattern. In order to increase research validity by triangulation approach, for investigating each case studies, the documents, the believes of interviewers and questionnaires analysis by statistical methods were used by researchers. The Within-case analysis and Cross-case analysis were done in selected cases and the differentiations and common points were analyzed by real and theoretical repetition. The 18 factors of theoretical pattern have real repetitive for analytical extension. Finally based on the presented analysis, several policy recommendations are offered for both policy makers and researchers.


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