Motivational Patterns of Entrepreneurs in Science-Based New Venture Creation

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Industrial Management, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran



Based on different characteristics and abilities, entrepreneurs have different motivations in the process of new venture creation. This study aimed to recognize the motivational factors that science-based entrepreneurs agree on their importance and follow in new venture creation. Also, different motivational patterns of these entrepreneurs were identified. In this way, this paper applied Q-method and the results of analyzing the Q-sorts of 30 participants, lead to 5 different motivational patterns, including Altruisms, controllers, ambitious, profiteers, and followers. Despite the identified motivational patterns, entrepreneurs were unanimous in the importance of some of the motivational factors. The important factors that participants agreed on them include having an effective communication network with other entrepreneurs, inventors, academician, producers and investors, as well as applying scientific research and commercializing ideas and inventions. On the other hand, insignificant incentives for all participants include having friendly relationships and being disappointed in previous job. By focusing on common motivational factors and tailored for different mental patterns of individuals, science and technology policymakers can make appropriate policies for achieving science-based economy and consider measures to increase the rate of establishment of such firms and their chances of success.


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