The Pattern of Effective Factors on the Stable Growth of New Technology-Based Firms in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tarbiat Modarres University

2 Department of Industrial Engineering University of Tehran Iran

3 PhD Student at University of Tehran Alborz Campus Karaj Iran



The law for supporting Knowledge-based companies have been approved more than a decade and today there are more than 3000 knowledge-based companies in Iran. More than 50 percent of that group are small firms. The main purpose of this research is to determine the effective factors for sustainable growth of small knowledge-based firms in Iran. We used multi-case study method. After investigating the related literature and interviewing some expertsin this field the basic pattern with 4 dimension and 14 factors was designed. The proposed pattern examined with 4 firms from information technology, bio technology, medical instruments and measurement instruments. To assess every firm, we use triangulation approach includes information from documents, evidences, statistics and interviews. In addition, the results of questionnaire filled some missed parts. The Cross-case analysis and Within-case analysis were done in selected cases and the differentiations and common points were analyzed by real and theoretical repetition. At last, we find that 7 factor have real repetition and 7 other ones have theoretical repetition. In this research founders specifics dimension has the most effects in stabilization of the firms.


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