Sectoral Innovation System of a Complex Product System Industry: Gas Turbine


1 - Ph.D in Technology Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Management and Soft Technologies, Maleke Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

4 Allame Tabatabaei University


Sectoral innovation systems perspective presents a proper framework to analyze formation and evolution of different industries. Despite various differences and distinctions, so far majority of studies in this field, have been focused on mass-produced consuming goods industries, and it is difficult to find studies that have examined capital goods and complex product systems industries. So, this research aims at introducing key players and actors, describing the path of formation and evolution of knowledge and technology, identifying influential policies and institutions, and explaining market structure and demand condition of Iran’s gas turbine industry as a complex product systems industry, through employing qualitative approach and case study strategy. This research findings include: 1) The path of formation and accumulation of knowledge and technology of manufacturing gas turbine in Iran including technological capabilities and technology acquisition strategies; 2) Diversity and dynamics of influential government policies on the formation and evolution of this sector including leading, investment, procurement and facilitation policies; 3) Duopolistic and politicized market structure in Iran’s gas turbine industry including limited number of suppliers and customers (government) and high and growing domestic demand for different types of gas turbines; 4) Examining the impact of international sanctions on iranian gas turbine producers.

Keywords: Sectoral Innovation System, Complex product Systems, Gas Turbine Industry


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