Forecasting the Required Information Technology Experts during the Fourth National Development Plan in Iran


1 Assist. Prof.,Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Assist. Prof., Department of Information Technology Engineering, School of Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Information Technology (IT) is transforming the world. A major shift in the way we live, learn and work has already begun with the arrival of the information age. This phenomenon is evident not just in the advanced countries but also is rapidly spreading across the globe. The construction of the information society, however, cannot be done without active governmental involvement in the creation of an information infrastructure and the reformation of the education system. In particular, human resources development is seen throughout the world as crucial to the development of information-based economies and the achievement of global competitiveness. This poses a serious challenge for the developing countries such as Iran that want to keep pace with the forerunners without lagging too far behind in the race towards the knowledge-based economy. This paper aimed presenting the results of a research on forecasting of the required experts for information technology fields in Iran. To do this, studing some forecasting models for the required human resources primarily and using benchmarking method, Iran’s required experts in information technology engineering have been estimated during The Fourth National Development Plan. The results showed that Iran’s educational organizations must train approximately 30 to 40 thousands of educated people in different sections of higher education through the Fourth National Plan.  The results also showed that this study should be repeated every two years using new data to conclude valid and applicable results.
