Designing a policy model for supporting Innovative human resources in knowledge-based companies (Case study of the Specialty Duty System Program)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor Technology Studies Inistitute TSI Tehran Iran

2 Technology Studies Institute TSI Tehran Iran

3 technology studies institute

4 Master of Business Administration, Sharif University of Technology



Empowered human resources are one of the most important factors in the development of innovation in enterprises. In terms of innovation policy studies, governments use policy tools, especially in private businesses, to improve innovative performance. Designing a policy model is very important for government support for capable human resources in knowledge-based companies. In order to design this policy model in Iran, a case study of the knowledge-based specialized duty system facility program has been on the agenda in this research. The data collection method was semi-structured qualitative interview and the content analysis method was used to analyze the data. Based on the proposed model in this research
Designing a policy based on providing an identification and evaluation system for individuals and companies needs to be considered in other policies. Strengthen the project development framework and performance monitoring model of applicants using intermediary institutions such as private brokers and specialists and technical consultants. Also, establishing coordination in the body of government and governance with the design of an appropriate governance system and the use of technological infrastructure will have a serious impact on the evolution of the policy model.
