Recognition of the Critical Success Factors and Challenges of FinTech Regulatory Sandbox in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher in National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP), Tehran, Iran.

2 Digital Economy expert in Presidential Center for Progress and Development, Tehran, Iran.

3 Official Member of Intergrated Management and Coordinating Sandbox Working Group, Tehran, Iran.


Financial technological phenomena are likely to cause side and adverse effects due to the changes in their ecosystem. So far, various and parallel regulatory channels have been used by financial regulators. The regulatory Sandbox has also attracted a lot of attention in recent years as one of the available ways to understand these phenomena. This space is a framework provided by a regulatory body that allows start-ups to test their innovative solutions on a small, live scale before entering the market. But extracting the requirements for success and the challenges ahead is an issue that has been overlooked because of its novelty. Therefore, in this study, we have tried to identify the requirements for success and its challenges through library studies and semi-structured interviews from a sample of 42 elites. Based on the content analysis of the interviews conducted by the coding method using NVIVO software, the results should be aggregated and combined in the form of thematic categories and analytical statements based on the frequency of phrases and keywords. The results of this study require the successful implementation of the test environment to create specialized test environments with a dedicated unit, 3 to 12 months test period with two periods of appropriate 6-month extension, providing services based on user leveling, forming a complaints unit, facilitating entry conditions with conditions Minimum is the continuation of supervision after the examination period, the provision of consulting services, the implementation of barriers and exemptions with the implementation of steps and the use of outsourcing services to evaluate applicants.


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