Comparing of Effective Factors in Student Recruitment in Nonprofit Higher Education Subsystem for 2025 Vision of Iran


Recruitment of students in recent years shows a semi-rapid decline trend in Iranian higher education system. Cause of lack of governmental budget, this situation is critical for nonprofit higher education institutes. It seems these institutes gradually fade if such conditions to be continued , so determination of effective factor in student recruitment has particular importance in future of these institutes .

In this study a mixed method of research was used for identification and evaluation of effective factors in student recruitment for 10 years ahead.

In the qualitative section, Semi structured interviews were conducted with key informants in nonprofit universities in Iran. Interviews continued to reach theoretical saturation in main categories. Also environmental scanning of these universities during the last decade was used based on archived & documented information (including manuscripts, laws, regulations,…)

Results showed that, uncertain factors were classified to four main levels as follows: International (5 categories & 16 sub categories), national (10 categories & 29 sub categories), higher education sectors (5 categories & 30 sub categories) and finally institutional level (6 categories & 34 sub categories).

In quantitative section, key informant respondents (including 28 policy makers & 43 beneficiaries) had ranked mentioned levels by evaluation of their importance & uncertainty of 103 sub factors via a questionnaire including a 10 points scale system.

Results showed that, there was no significant difference between two group of respondents about values of importance of 4 main levels of factors (p > 0.05). Also policy makers responses showed that national level had the main uncertainty, but beneficiaries’ responses showed that higher education sector level had the main uncertainty.


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